Re-Entry Simulation with the Department of Corrections
Join us for a Re-Entry Simulation and Lunch on June 21st from 10am-1pm. This training is a simulation with the Department of Corrections. This gives community leaders and employers an inside look into hardships that a person in recovery and re-entry into society from incarceration might face while trying to gain meaningful employment. This training is great for anyone wanting to understand obstacles and barriers to employment. We can only have 50 in attendance for this event. Event is free to attend, but RSVP is required.
Event Location:
Crimmins Hall (Sister of Charity of Nazareth)
40 West Drive
Nazareth, KY 40008
Free Workforce Re-Entry Simulation Training and Lunch
by the Bardstown-Nelson County Chamber of Commerce
Co-sponsored by the Kentucky Career Center and NelCARE
Lunch Provided and Sponsored by Handy Food Mart
Special Thanks to our Hub Workforce Yearly Sponsors:
Barton's 1792, Grizzly Media, LG&E and KU, Lux Row Distillers, and Wilson & Muir Bank & Trust
Date and Time
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM EDT